food poisoning, finals, & farewells

Finals week is always something to mentally prepare for. You stay up late, your hygiene becomes questionable, and food is something that is thrown to the wayside. School takes over and nothing seems to go right. BUT, last semester wasn’t bad, so I had high hopes for this semester…untilllllllllllllll I got food poisoning on the … [Read more…]

first fourteen days // boston, mass.

Whoa, hello, welcome! It’s been two full weeks since we drove 14 hours and dropped off myself and a UHaul worth of belongings to this charming little house in Roxbury. For those who don’t know, I moved to Boston and good ‘ole Massachusetts a week before my job started. I wanted to get myself familiar … [Read more…]

an open letter to my therapist

Ashley, Wow. Where to start? It’s another Thursday morning, 8 a.m., that I’m not sitting in that comfy leather chair, holding a pillow across my lap, speaking with you. What’s it been…? Like, 8 Thursdays? 8 Thursdays for me to finally gather my thoughts, my thanks, and my gratitude. Just yesterday, I read a friend’s … [Read more…]

see you in new england, baby!

YO, I am scared as hellllllll. I’ve spent the greater portion of the last 2 years telling anyone who would listen, to catch me out West ASAP post graduation. I wanted to escape as quickly as I could.  I mean, I bought the damn t-shirt for Pete’s sake. Pretty nice t-shirt too, right? Right. After … [Read more…]


I woke up this morning knowing full well that it’s resurrection Sunday and still…I had to force myself out of bed to think about going to church. I feel no need to explain myself or try to reason with why I haven’t gone: I just haven’t. What I have done, is spend more time with … [Read more…]

listen to your body, love.

I think that a majority of my life, I’ve had a somewhat unhealthy relationship with exercise. When I was growing up, I gave the Michelin man a run for his money — I had rolls up my arms that looked like rubber bands had disappeared into the folds. I transitioned into a more full face … [Read more…]