stepping into grace // one year later

stepping into grace

I’ve been drifting for months, anchored only to things that make my heart heavy and realizing that something was missing. Jesus — you’ve been missing.

Since I’ve been back at school, I’ve gone back to church.

I stand up on Sunday to worship my God and I cry.

I read my devotionals and pray…like crazy, because life was feeling all sorts of confusing.

I needed to let some stuff go to realize that breathing Jesus back into my life was what could help me breathe again.

so Jesus, you’re back — you never left; I did.

and that’s why your kind of love is so unfathomable, because no matter how far I stray, you always welcome me home.

you reach out in love to show me light.

you allow me to step back into grace.

I step, ever so gingerly.

I tumble,

caught in your infinite embrace.

and yet…the calm that surrounds my heart lets me know that you are always here.

that by seeking you, everything will work according to your plan.

that I need to love others and love myself like you love me.

stepping back into the grace so freely given.

take all of me.

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